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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Slipping into Summer

The twins turned four today, and what better way to celebrate than with a freecycled slip-n-slide romp : )

Funny story:  Talking with the new next-door neigbors one day recently, brought up Freecycle (i love turning people onto a good thing!) AND mentioned in the same convo that i'd like to get a slip-n-slide for the incline between our houses, and her boy and my kids could romp.

Two days later: a Freecycle ad for a DUAL (twins!) S-n-S!!  My neighbor and i laughed so hard when i told her I'd just scored one : )

And here we are:  Thanks Freecycle!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to the twins!

    Awesome slip and slide. We will be coming over soon to try out that thing! :-)
